
The Waiting Season
February 20, 2020

Noah patiently waited as he faithfully built the ark, Moses’ wait was painful, but he never became disheartened. Even Lazareth had to wait in the tomb. One would have thought the apostle Paul after his encounter would have eagerly shared the revelation but no, into the desert he was sent, to wait. Even the Lord instructed His followers to wait. 

After years of only hearing the Lords Word to “Go”, I heard “Wait”.

Learning to wait is a refining season – a season of fire and water; fire burns the old, water heals and delivers the new. In the waiting, surrender and trust are birthed in stillness. The beginning of the waiting was agonizingly painful, with many a tear. But now waiting is my dear companion, a time of cherished solitude alone with the Lord.

Because I now delight in this season, a distant voice is quietly whispering, tis coming soon the time to run and go.

Ah the seasons of our life, they come and go as the seasons in time.